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My Sunny Maad

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Ma famille afghane NEGATIV SRO

My Sunny Maad

by Michaela Pavlátová

France, Czech Republic, Slovaquia


Ma famille afghane NEGATIV SRO

Director : Michaela Pavlátová

Script : Ivan Arsenjev, Yaël, Giovanna Lévy d’après le roman Frišta de Petra Procházková

Editing : Evženie Brabcová

Music : Evgueni et Sacha Galperine

Sound : Edward Björner, Tormod Ringnes

Voices : Zuzana Stivínová, Shamla Maqsoodi, Eliska Balzerová, Hynek Cermák, Berenika Kohoutová

Production : Sacrebleu Productions, Ron Dyens, Negativ S.R.O., Petr Oukropec, BFilm, Ltd., Peter Badac

Distributor : 

Diaphana Distribution
155 rue du faubourg Saint Antoine
75 011 Paris
tél : 01 53 46 66 66
[email protected]


Year : 2021

Screening : 2023

DCP, Color, 80 mn, OV czech, english SUBFR



Kaboul, Afghanistan, 2001. Herra, a young woman of Czech origin, decides to give everything up for love, to follow in the footsteps of the man who will become her husband, Nazir. She then witnesses and joins in the upheavals that her new Afghan family live from day to day. Through the eyes of a European woman, against a background of cultural and generational differences, she sees at the same time her daily life thrown upside down by the arrival of Maad, an out-of-the-ordinary orphan, who will become her son.

“In my opinion, Petra Procházková’s novel is an extraordinary, deeply humane document, in which the author, inspired by her own story, has succeeded in transposing, with a point of view suffused with incredible empathy, the efforts of Afghan women to live a free life in post-Taliban Afghanistan. I condemn, as does Petra, the violence inflicted on women hidden behind the walls of their homes, as well as all violations of their rights. This initial situation of Afghan women, described in the novel, makes me uneasy, as a European woman, and seems unacceptable and reprehensible.” Petra Procházková