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The First August

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The First of August

The First August

(Ba Yue Yi Ri)

by Song Yeming and Dang Yachun


 The First of August


Director: Song Yeming, Dang Yachun

Script: Lu Zhuguo, Zhan Qi, Liu Xing

Cinema.: Jiang Lijun

Edit.: Wang Qiuyue, Chan Fang

Sound: Wang Lewen

Music: Dong Liqiang

Cast.: Hou Yong, Liu Jin, Liu Ray, Wu Waidong, Zhang Zaixin

Production : August 1st Film Studio


Pretty Pictures
33, rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine
75011 Paris
Phone: +33(1) 43 14 10 00
[email protected]

Year: 2007

35 mm, Color, 96 min, Mandarin Chinese with French subtitles

In 1927 during the war known as the North Expedition, the coalition between the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party win victories after victories. However, General Chiang Kai-shek and President Wang Jing-wei from the coalition government in Wuhan try to get rid of the Chinese Communist Party. With the threat of the White Terror, communist partisans such as Zhou Enlai finally admit the necessity of an armed conflict. The Nanchang uprising is hence organized on August 1st with a bloody battle giving birth to the first Chinese revolutionary independent army.
This historical film recalls an extremely interesting chapter in the history of 20th Century China and gives clues to understand the Chinese contemporary world.

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